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New Painting by our Resident Artist
So – we did it! Built a more or less to scale model of the new building at the school fair – just under 2metres long. Carrying it back to church was like transporting the ark of the covenant. Fortunately no-one stumbled and met with instant death! Here is Priscilla Watkins’ sketch of the proceedings.
Help is at Hand
A key aspect of our project is that it is a community self-build. So it’s great, even at this early stage to have people involved, sharing skills and time. Thanks to Kevin, who spent an afternoon making a topographic survey, and his friend, who transferred the data into a usable format. Thanks to Heath, who…
Pioneering Work
When we set out on this road to build Europe’s First Straw-Bale Church building – and possibly the largest straw-bale community building – it never really occurred to me what it meant to be a pioneer. I just thought, this is it, and we’re getting on with it. Now I know the truth! Hannah Jones…
Rising up on Trinity Rise
Do come to our Open Day this Thursday 14th June at 4 to 7.30pm. Tulse Hill Straw Build, Holy Trinity Church, SW2 2QP
Airtigntness and Why it Matters
The past year has been a period of slow but steady activity on our Straw Bales project with a very small number of volunteers. One of several aspects we’ve been working on is Airtightness, and we’ve just released 4 short films on the subject: