Jewson Competition
Just submitted our application to enter the Jewson Building Better Communities competition! First prize is £50k in building materials & cash. Will we be the ONE?
Just submitted our application to enter the Jewson Building Better Communities competition! First prize is £50k in building materials & cash. Will we be the ONE?
Now watch our films: Our Project Film our Good Money Week film: Pounds with Priniciples further videos on our youtube channel
What a process! Getting planning permission was hard enough, but getting Faculty permission from the Diocese was tortuous! Nevertheless, we now have both – albeit with a number of conditions to fulfill on Lambeth’s side. These include providing a very thorough energy and heating strategy before any work is done above ground, and making sure…
A key aspect of our project is that it is a community self-build. So it’s great, even at this early stage to have people involved, sharing skills and time. Thanks to Kevin, who spent an afternoon making a topographic survey, and his friend, who transferred the data into a usable format. Thanks to Heath, who…
An amazing £10,000 (including Gift Aid) has been raised through Richard’s marathon, thanks to generous sponsorship and commitment by all the runners. A number of donations came in the post from people we didn’t know at all. One of the most amazing was from an elderly lady who had read about our project in the…
On 14th June at we’ll be making a 2 metre long model of the main part of our Straw Bale annex at Holy Trinity School Fair. Those helping build the model will be able to see how a straw bale building is constructed and learn something about the advantages. The “bales” will be made from…