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Rising up on Trinity Rise
Do come to our Open Day this Thursday 14th June at 4 to 7.30pm. Tulse Hill Straw Build, Holy Trinity Church, SW2 2QP
New Artwork by Priscilla
At the end of January we laid out barrier fencing to show on site where the Hub will go. We were thrilled that our drawings on paper actually fitted where we thought they would on the ground! Over the following weeks the storms blew everything down, which was amazing. I thought the holes in barrier…
Bird’s Eye View
Kuba has just sent me these two stunning visualisations of the new building. The first, viewed from the South-East, shows the solar panels along the south roof, and the wonderful entrance staircase. The second, viewed from the North-West, shows the link to the church, with the kitchen nearest. Meanwhile Sally…
Permission At Last!
What a process! Getting planning permission was hard enough, but getting Faculty permission from the Diocese was tortuous! Nevertheless, we now have both – albeit with a number of conditions to fulfill on Lambeth’s side. These include providing a very thorough energy and heating strategy before any work is done above ground, and making sure…
Our Open Day
Deputy Major of Lambeth visits our Open Day Visited Holy Trinity Church in Tulse Hill to learn more about their development plans and met brilliant @strawvic who leads a fantastic and inspirational community in #lambeth — Ibrahim Dogus (@ibrahim_Dogus) June 14, 2018