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Pioneering Work
When we set out on this road to build Europe’s First Straw-Bale Church building – and possibly the largest straw-bale community building – it never really occurred to me what it meant to be a pioneer. I just thought, this is it, and we’re getting on with it. Now I know the truth! Hannah Jones…
It was always our plan to build with load-bearing straw walls. Our design team at Straw Works still believe it would be possible, but our Engineer at Renaissance has said “No.” Apparently, the 10m span across the hall would be too wide to support the upper floor and roof. Instead, Helen, our engineer has designed…
It’s just beginning! Although we’ve been working and praying towards this for nearly 40 years one way or another, we now feel that we’re on the brink of a wonderful venture. Of course we’ve felt like this before, but now we seem to have something that’s both attainable and “right”. On October 21st 2013, the…
Funding Success
We are tremendously excited to announce that the Walcot Foundation has decided to award us £40,000 over two years in recognition that our project will help get young people into work by training them in both “soft” and “hard” skills. Walcot don’t only give money – they also give on-going support. Their application process was…
£10,000 raised through Vicar’s Marathon!
An amazing £10,000 (including Gift Aid) has been raised through Richard’s marathon, thanks to generous sponsorship and commitment by all the runners. A number of donations came in the post from people we didn’t know at all. One of the most amazing was from an elderly lady who had read about our project in the…
Church & Community Fund pledge £15,000!
Our first bid for funding has been successful. The Church of England’s Church and Community Fund has awarded us £15,000. We bid on the basis that the process of self-building will increase community cohesion and enhance the church’s mission. We need to spend the allocation within two years. Thank you CCF – we’re making a…