Roofing materials ready
Roofing materials ready thanks to support from Iko (manufacturer), Roofing Superstore, and Community Payback who unloaded them.
Roofing materials ready thanks to support from Iko (manufacturer), Roofing Superstore, and Community Payback who unloaded them.
What a process! Getting planning permission was hard enough, but getting Faculty permission from the Diocese was tortuous! Nevertheless, we now have both – albeit with a number of conditions to fulfill on Lambeth’s side. These include providing a very thorough energy and heating strategy before any work is done above ground, and making sure…
Kuba has just sent me these two stunning visualisations of the new building. The first, viewed from the South-East, shows the solar panels along the south roof, and the wonderful entrance staircase. The second, viewed from the North-West, shows the link to the church, with the kitchen nearest. Meanwhile Sally…
It’s just beginning! Although we’ve been working and praying towards this for nearly 40 years one way or another, we now feel that we’re on the brink of a wonderful venture. Of course we’ve felt like this before, but now we seem to have something that’s both attainable and “right”. On October 21st 2013, the…
It was always our plan to build with load-bearing straw walls. Our design team at Straw Works still believe it would be possible, but our Engineer at Renaissance has said “No.” Apparently, the 10m span across the hall would be too wide to support the upper floor and roof. Instead, Helen, our engineer has designed…