£100k milestone reached!
Thanks to some sacrificial giving and great generosity our Straw Bale fund has now reached over £120,000. That means we’re nearly a third of the way towards our initial fundraising target of £380,000.The figure includes a grant of £15,000 from the Church & Community Fund, but the rest has been mostly given be members of Holy Trinity Church.
Our next fund-raising focus will be the church Gift Day on June 15th. However, what we also need now is to find some support from local business, the wider circle of Holy Trinity friends / former members, and some success with large grant applications. Unless we have a large injection of external funding, it will be impossible to fulfill this project because the financial resources here in Tulse Hill are so scarce.
Could you become a Straw Stacker by donating £1,000 or more?
Click here to find out more.
We are of course putting together applications to various trusts, but it is difficult at this stage because the design is not finalised and fully costed, and the more a trust gives, the more detail they want from us. Meanwhile, of course, we continue to have various initial design expenses.